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Frequently Asked Questions
Click on the Paw for the Answer
How do I sign up for a CPE membership? |
How do I get a permanent height card (P-card) for my dog? |
I didn't receive my CL1, CL2, CL3 or CL4 titles? |
I didn't receive my Level 5 category titles? |
What happens to my earned legs and titles if I move my dog to veterans? |
What happens to my earned legs and titles if I move my dog to Specialist? |
How do I sign up for a CPE membership?
CPE initial membership is required to participate in CPE events.
See the membership form on the forms page of the website. The membership form must be mailed. ID numbers cannot be assigned
by email or fax.
There are also forms there to keep track of legs and titles.
Rulebook reference: Page 1
Website reference: Forms page - Membership and Dog Application
How do I get a permanent height card (P-card) for my dog?
Your dog will be measured at the trial. The host club will have a measuring sheet for the judge to fill out.
To obtain a dog's permanent registration card, one of the following criteria must be met:
1. Required measurements: Your dog must be measured by an approved judge. If the measurement is within 1/2" of a jump height,
a second measurement is required. If over 24 1/2" - a permanent card is automatically issued.
2. Your dog must have at least one measurement after 2 years of age. A permanent card, with age restriction, will be issued
until after a dog is 2 years old unless a 24" jump height is warranted.
Owners may enter their dogs in higher jump heights than the measured CPE jump height. The permanent card shows the minimum
jump height that the dog is allowed to enter in.
A dog that measures under 8" may obtain a P card with a 4" jump height with two judges signatures that the dog is under 8".
The two signatures may or may not be at the same trial, but must be two different judges.
CPE will issue permanent cards upon receipt of measurement from the Host Club holding the trial. Replacement cards may be
obtained for a fee of $5.00 per card.
Rulebook reference: Page 5 & 6
I didn't receive my CL1, CL2, CL3 or CL4 titles?
There are individual titles for each category in levels 1 through 4.
There are no title certificates that read CL1, CL2, CL3 or CL4.
When a dog has earned all four titles in a respective level, the title code for the level may be used after the dog's name,
without listing all titles for that level.
Example: A dog has earned all titles in Level 2 - CL2-R, CL2-H, CL2-S, CL2-F.
The owner can list CL2 after the dog's name, indicating the dog has earned all four titles in Level 2.
Rulebook reference: Pages 7 through 9
Website reference: Forms page - Generic Title/Q Checklist
I didn't receive my Level 5 category titles?
There are no individual titles for each category in level 5.
All requirements must be earned in all classes in level 5 to earn the C-ATCH - CPE Agility Trial Champion.
Rulebook reference: Page 9
Website reference: Forms page - Level 5 Titles Tracking List
What happens to my earned legs and titles if I move my dog to Specialist?
Dogs do not lose any earned legs or titles from any other level, if entered in the Specialist class.
The dog will now earn legs in the "S" class, towards the Specialist Champion and Specialist Extraordinaire titles.
Rulebook reference: Page 9
Website reference: Forms page - Specialist Q's Tracking List